Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 I LOVE MY HAIR! i love it down. i love it up. i have great long hair now! who knew?!?! THANK YOU!!!!

 I love you Randy! You are the best there ever was!

I'm loving my new 'do - especially the hot bangs! THANK YOU!!! :)

have been thinking of you! will send you lots of love from the west coast!! have refused to cut my hair until i return to you haha xx
I (and really you) received many compliments last night at the high falootin' winter concert. I sang your praises far and wide. Thank you so much. Way more than a rescue job.
You made _____ into a total babe! Glad she went through with it.

YOU are AMAZING Randy!!!!!! Just had the best haircut EVER!!! I have already rung 2 of my girlfriends YOU are AMAZING Randy!!!!!! Just had the best haircut EVER!!! I have already rung 2 of my girlfriends telling them about you and more will be notified promptly. lol. Thank you sooooo much! p.s. You are also great fun :) Hugs

Loving my new haircut by the talented Mr.Randy Davis yus yus :D

Thank you Randy! Everyone is loving my hair cut (except my 5 year old)"

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