Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Thanks again for a great cut AND colour! ~ I love it!
And lucky for me you were right as I did find the perfect pair of silver shoes just where you thought they might be...

Love my hair colour by the way!!

Thank you so much for doing my hair!!! It rocked and everyone just loved it. Thank you for the champagne and all the beauty.

I've been getting so many compliments on my hair! You're awesome!

Randy just a big thank you for yesterday I love my haircut, ______ loves my
haircut and even _____ thought it was cool!

I love my hair Randy!!!
It's done so meticulously.
Thanks so much!

Just a quick email to let you know how very pleased I am with my ‘new do’ the cut and colour are wonderful…even delighted my daughter.
So many pretty colours! Colour crafting magic:) i love it! Thank you! Oh, and the cut is fab as well:) 
Love my hair Randy! Thanks! Lots of compliments already. :)
I absolutely loved my do that you created for me in January and you were right it lasted months!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So yesterday I sat around unshowered in my jammies, but today I got up at 5am, and for the first time ever didn't have to have a shower to get my hair under control and didn't even product it, then walked in three feet of snow to the bus, got snowplowed by a snowblower operater who apparently didn't see me, commuted to toronto, twirled my hair nervously when I saw a cute boy, walked for an hour in the wind, got attacked by a burst of subway hair, pulled at my hair with stress from my class and commuted home to play with children and.....my hair is perfect! I LOVE it!


 I LOVE MY HAIR! i love it down. i love it up. i have great long hair now! who knew?!?! THANK YOU!!!!

 I love you Randy! You are the best there ever was!

I'm loving my new 'do - especially the hot bangs! THANK YOU!!! :)

have been thinking of you! will send you lots of love from the west coast!! have refused to cut my hair until i return to you haha xx
I (and really you) received many compliments last night at the high falootin' winter concert. I sang your praises far and wide. Thank you so much. Way more than a rescue job.
You made _____ into a total babe! Glad she went through with it.

YOU are AMAZING Randy!!!!!! Just had the best haircut EVER!!! I have already rung 2 of my girlfriends YOU are AMAZING Randy!!!!!! Just had the best haircut EVER!!! I have already rung 2 of my girlfriends telling them about you and more will be notified promptly. lol. Thank you sooooo much! p.s. You are also great fun :) Hugs

Loving my new haircut by the talented Mr.Randy Davis yus yus :D

Thank you Randy! Everyone is loving my hair cut (except my 5 year old)"