Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I love this hair colour more than I liked the colour before. Thanks for talking me off a limb last night. I think it was the lighting, my mood and my unexplained expectations. You are a wonderful man.......................*The colour. It is the perfect blonde for me. Right now. Love this sandy colour.
*a few days later

thank you SO much Randy (and Glen) for making it such a great start to the day :) All the ladies looked SO lovely. Can't wait to see you again soon :)

You did a fantastic job on my friend Stephanie's hair!

I have beautiful hair.

I love having bangs ♥ thank you love!! Xoxo

Thanks so much Randy!!!!! :) ♥

I love you Randy! You are the best there ever was!

‎...such a busy day...if only there was time to be Randy-fied...sigh

Absolutely loving the new hair!!! Thanks Randy, you are amazing!

Two incredibly satisfied customers! :)

Love the color of my hair. Thank You!

All my friends are officially in love with you! Thank goodness for good hair in our 'hood!

i must get to sit in your chair next time i get to town.

I'm at a Winnipeg hairdresser right now and I really miss you, Randy. They have won tons of international awards, but they don't have your soul, your humour and the sheer love with which you do your work and relate to your clients as whole people, not just heads of hair. And they don't have Farrah or the Virgin Mary. Hugs from Winnipeg.

Randy... I sooo love my haircut...thank you for doing such a fab job!